Lunch quote – Terms of Endearment (Film)

Ageing bachelor and retired astronaut, Garrett Breedlove, played brilliantly by Jack Nicholson, teasingly engages his prim neighbour Aurora Greenway, played by Shirley MacLaine at her best.

Jack Nicholson and Shirley MacLaine in Terms of Endearment
Jack Nicholson and Shirley MacLaine in Terms of Endearment

Garrett: What the hell. You want to have dinner out some time?

Aurora: No, thank you.

Garrett:  What about lunch? You ladies, you like to have lunch a lot, don’t you?

Aurora: You know, there’s something about your manner. It’s like you’re trying to toy with me.

Garrett: That’s right, Aurora. I’m playing with you. This is exactly…

Do you want to play, Aurora? You wanna go to lunch, we’ll have lunch.

Aurora: If you want to have lunch in some restaurant to improve the atmosphere in this neighbourhood, I wouldn’t say no.

Their subsequent lunch years later is a must-see act with some classic lines.